The weather outside is frightful, but that's to be expected when a southern girl leaves her natural habitat and heads north for the New Year. What was I thinking? Thankfully, I'm fully equipped with boots, hats, scarves, gloves, and of course, a few fabulous coats.
Watching the ball drop in Times Square on TV has been a tradition for who-knows-how-long so this year we decided to do something really different: going to Times Square to watch the ball drop. Thus, here I sit in a tiny appartment somewhere in mid-town Manhattan. I have no idea where I am once I leave the building. If someone were to spin me in a circle one time, I strongly doubt I could even find the front door again. Yes, it's that bad.
Anyways, we headed up-town earlier today and I spent quite a bit of time people-watching while lunching on 5th Ave. It wasn't long before 3 trends began popping out repeatedly. Skinny jeans, flat boots, and skinny jeans with flat boots. Do New Yorkers not wear anything else? I felt out of place with my heeled, pointy boots and slight boot-cut trousers. Ugg is everywhere. Maybe it's just my view, but personally I don't think I can pull them off. Give me heels or.... well, heels. It is the rare occasion when I break out the flats, and my feet have to be in serious pain before I go to the last resort.
Tomorrow I head out again, this time in jeans and maybe (gasp) silver skimmers. After all, I did spend most of my day traipsing up and down the upper-east side. Who wants to take a cab when there are stores as far as the eye can see?
Go shopping New York,